January brought the surprise announcement that we were getting an original Ghostbusters sequel. For a fan like me this was incredible news. The most recent all female Ghostbusters film was a reboot instead of a direct sequel. In addition, it failed to produce at the box office, squashing any hope the studio would make sequels. So, Jason Reitman picking up his father’s mantle means I once again have hope that one of my favorite movie universes will get another chance to live on.
Since January’s teaser trailer release, rumors have already started to swirl who would return. Tweets from two of the original Ghostbusters cast members, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson, seem to indicate they will both return. Bill Murray has yet to confirm his involvement to date. Ernie Hudson did post on Twitter that “Everybody was in”, so the hope is that Dr. Venkman’s return is just a formality.
Jason Reitman Confirms Ghostbusters Casting on Twitter
Recent rumors have also been circulating around the web about additional casting. Those rumors have included Carrie Coon, Finn Woldhard and Jenna Ortega. On Friday, Jason Reitman confirmed two of these casting rumor and also revealed a new cast member in McKenna Grace. Reitman’s tweet also read “Meet the family” implying that these three actors are going to be an onscreen family.

While details about the new Ghostbusters movie and few and far between at this point, the cast is already shaping up to be who’s who of pop culture. Carrie Coon may not be instantly recognizable to everyone, but if you are a fan of the MCU you will be interested to know she played Proxima Midnight in Avengers: Infinity War. If you are a fan of Stranger Things or 2017’s It, then you should need no introduction to Finn Wolfhard.
While McKenna Grace is the youngest actor to be cast, she has already amassed some impressive credits to her name as well. McKenna starred alongside Captain America himself, Chris Evans, in 2017’s Gifted. She appeared in Netflix’s unexpected hit The Haunting of Hill House. Most recently though she played a young Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel.
The untitled Ghostbusters project is just starting to take shape. For more rumors, theories and news make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show often.