For those holding out hope that Star Wars: Episode IX will reveal Rey to be a Skywalker…. Don’t hold your breath. Despite speculation, it it’s likely Rey really is nobody, or at least nobody of Luke Skywalker’s lineage. How do we come to this conclusion? Simply. The Skywalker saga will see its conclusive end with Episode IX. But is another character’s fate also confirmed?

Now we’ve heard that the Skywalker saga is ending before. Notwithstanding, we haven’t heard it as emphatically as Oscar Isaac tells it in a recent interview. In speaking with “Today”, Isaac confessed that yes, the Skywalker saga is unequivocally coming to a close. According to Indie Wire, Isaac had this to say about the Star Wars franchise:
It is the end of the entire Skywalker saga. Nine stories. This is the culmination of the entire thing,” Isaac said. “What J.J. has done, and the entire Lucasfilm team, is incredibly fulfilling. It’s also special for us because you get to learn a lot more things about these characters.”
Skywalker Saga Comes to an End

There are two predicted conclusions to take away from these comments, if Episode IX truly is the “culmination of the entire” Skywalker saga. The first is that Rey is not a Skywalker descendant. While I still don’t believe that she’s “nobody” as Kylo Ren claims, she’s likely not going to be a Skywalker. If Lucasfilm ends the family saga with Episode IX, they likely won’t leave a Skywalker character around about whom other stories could be told.

That leads to the second, predicted conclusion: Kylo Ren is going to die in Episode IX. Ren’s given name, as we all know, is Ben Solo. As the son of Han Solo and Leai Organa, daughter to Darth Vader, Kylo Ren will be the only, living Skywalker left. (Yes, we’re assuming Leia will perish in Episode IX. That’s the only way to address Carrie Fisher’s death in real life.) Thus, he can’t be left standing when the Skywalker saga comes to an end.
What do you think, fans? Did Oscar Isaac just confirm Kylo Ren’s fate?
Source: Indie Wire
Nope…does not mean any of that. Rey could still be a Skywalker.
Also, Hammill, Isaac, and whoever else could be lying. As to not expose any information.
Luke may not even be dead for all we know.