There has been a disturbance in the Force. A HUGE new rumor has surfaced that will either make you happy or extremely worried. While this has not been confirmed Super Bro Movies reports that, “according to multiple sources,” Rian Johnson has stopped working on the Star Wars trilogy that was announced back in November of 2017. This report also says that he decided to walk away from Star Wars to work on upcoming projects.

rian johnson

Rian Johnson directed The Last Jedi which was the second film in the Disney’s Star Wars Trilogy. The last Jedi scored good with the critics and grossed over a billion dollars. But the Star Wars community weren’t very happy about the path the movie took and Rian Johnson became public enemy number one for tons of the fans.

So is Rian Johnson’s decision really based on that he wants to work on other projects, or has the harassment he’s received from The Last Jedi helped him make his mind on this decision? Between fans leaving hate messages on anything he posts and the countless videos on YouTube blaming him for ruining the franchise it would be hard to believe that it didn’t play a factor in all this. Again this still has not been confirmed by Rian Johnson or Disney. So stay tuned to for updates. We will have plenty of articles in the next few days discussing this huge topic. How do you feel about Johnson leaving the Star Wars franchise? Let us know on Twitter