Solo: A Star Wars Story certainly occupies a strange space in Star Wars lore. It was a film mired by controversy, including a directorial debacle and questions regarding the timing of its release. Likewise, Lucasfilm didn’t help itself when the powers-that-be missed an Oscar submission deadline. Consequently, the film missed out on an Oscar nomination for best original score/song. Despite all of that, the fact remains that Solo was, in truth, an entertaining film. Thankfully, Solo may still get an Oscar after all.
While the studio botched at chance at consideration for original score, it at least salvaged a chance for best visual effects. Lucasfilm, via the Star Wars Twitter handle, announced the nomination on Tuesday:
Solo Gets Visual Effects Oscar Nomination
Through personal interviews and fan interaction online, I’ve come across very few Star Wars fans that had a negative reaction to Solo: A Star Wars Story. Most were able to overlook Alden Ehrenrich’s inability to truly capture Harrison Ford’s Han Solo persona and enjoy the film. Where Solo shined, however, was with its special effects. There’s no question that many of the film’s scenes were visually stunning, and worthy of an Oscar nomination.

Personally, one of my favorite scenes was when Han & company were making the Kessel Run, only to be stopped in the flight corridor by an Imperial Star Destroyer. There was so much depth and dread in that scene it was almost palpable. Likewise, the Millennium Falcon flying through the maelstrom kept viewers’ eyes glued to the screen. Its escape from the Summa-verminoth creature at the maw was equally breathtaking, and deserving of a visual effects Oscar nomination itself.

Not to be lost in the overtly stunning visual effects were the more subtle ones as well. Integrating Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s live action portrayal of L3-37 with digital enhancement was flawless. It gave the droid as much cinematic life as C-3PO or any other droid created wholly with practical effects.

Solo: A Star Wars Story may not have been the movie we asked for. Now that we have it, however, it’s a movie we don’t mind keeping. It’s nice to see to see it recognized with this visual effects Oscar nomination. Well done, folks at ILM.
Wow if that is Darth Maul at end of movie tgey really screwed up the time line.
Timeline was kept perfectly in tact dont worry.