Without question there is a lot of new Star Wars news that is getting fans excited. New details recently emerged about The Mandalorian, and Disney announced a Cassian Andor spinoff series for Disney+. Of course we can’t forget about Star Wars Episode IX. New details, rumors and leaks flood the Internet daily, including word that Lando Calrissian’s daughter will appear in the film. Sometimes, though, you just have to go back to the classics. That’s exactly what Columbia Sportswear has done with its new Empire Strikes Back parka.

Empire Strikes Back Parka

Cast and crew film Hoth scenes for ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ in 1979. (Image: Lucasfilm)

When they filmed the Hoth scenes for The Empire Strikes Back in 1979, they did so in the frozen regions of Norway. Keeping the cast and crew warm in those conditions was no easy feat. At the time, the film studio commissioned custom-made parkas for everyone to keep the elements at bay. Now fast-forward to 2018. Columbia Sportswear in conjunction with Lucasfilm has, as of December 7th, released its own, custom Empire Strikes Back parka based in exquisite detail on the original.

Now You Can Own An Empire Strikes Back Parka (If You’re Lucky)

Empire Strikes Back Parka

Image: Columbia Sportswear

The folks at Lucasfilm wanted to do something different this time around when it came to Star Wars-themed apparel. Lucasfilm executive Lacey Prince recently spoke with starwars.com to discuss the parka project. So what, exactly, do fans want when it comes to this type of product?

“They’re excited about things that are nostalgic,” said Prince. “They’re excited about the original series. So we just started doing some research. Was there anything cool and special in Episodes IV, V, and VI that we haven’t explored before? Oddly enough, we came across some of the crew photos.”

Carrie Fisher “chills out” on set in her Empire Strikes Back parka in 1979. (Image: Lucasfilm)

From there the new Empire Strikes Back parka was born. “The goal was to design something that was definitely identifiable as the Empire crew jacket,” Prince continued, “but modernized, incorporating all the advances that the fashion industry has seen in the intervening years.”

The end result is a parka that has the near-exact look and feel of the original, yet offers modern comforts such as thermal-reflective lining and insulation. It’s wearable, functional, and even customizable. You can have your own name patch made, just like what was available for the original crew.

Empire Strikes Back Parka

Image: Columbia Sportswear

If you want one though, act fast. This version of the Empire Strikes Back parka is a limited edition, and only available at certain stores. For more information, visit Columbia’s official Star Wars product page here.


