Over the summer we were fortunate enough to be invited out to cover Comic-Con Palm Springs and got the chance to speak with Jimmy Palmiotti. Jimmy currently has a number of projects he’s working on, including the movie adaptation of Random Acts of Violence starring Jay Baruchel and a still in development adaptation of The Pro at Paramount.

During our chat he discussed the current status of the film and who he’d like to see take on the main character. You can read the excerpt from the interview just below the video. stay tuned for the full interview coming next week.


So, talking about that and putting yourself into a job as a professional, you also worked on a book called The Pro.

Jimmy Palmiotti:



Which was kind of amazing.

Jimmy Palmiotti:

Superhero prostitute. It was more of Garth and Amanda and me sort of coordinating and inking it, making sure it came together and getting into a publisher. I did all the dirty work and those two were the celebrities on the book.


Oh, but no. You were still part of it though. That was absolutely hilarious series. Let me ask you this question; The Pro, after the book ends, where do you see that character now?

Jimmy Palmiotti:

Well she’s dead. She died at the end of the book. Where I see it now? I see it at Paramount films and we’ll see what lucky or horrible lucked actress would take on that role. It could be the best thing for them or the worst thing. I see it having another life. If the film introduces people to the book again, then we’re happy about that. No matter what they do with the movie, the book is always the book, so that’s not going to change.


That’s true. Of course.

Jimmy Palmiotti:

So, I don’t really worry. It’s sort of like the two of us take our pads and we draw a waterfall. Well, here’s the thing, a waterfall is going to stay a waterfall? Our drawings are going to be our versions of what we see. So, that doesn’t change. It’s another person’s vision of what exists already. So I don’t worry about the films.


That kind of ruins my next question.

Jimmy Palmiotti:

Go ahead.


I was kind of interested in your opinion on this though, because, I mean, the films are coming out. If you got a chance to cast the pro who’d you get to play the character?

Jimmy Palmiotti:

I would think she’s at the point in her career where she’d be perfect with this and I would think it would be Cameron Diaz would be great.



Jimmy Palmiotti:

Because she’s a little older. She definitely can get filthy on film. She can definitely do stuff. And uh, so for her to play a prostitute superhero would be hysterical. I think, because it would be a stretch and then it wouldn’t be a stretch on some weird level.


I mean if you think about There’s Something About Mary? And that whole scene with the gel and everything like that. It’s kinda like, well?

Jimmy Palmiotti:

Or Bad Teachers or stuff like that. She’s like, she’s able, she is a little fearless with getting a little down and dirty. Um, she’d have to do some nudity because that’s what the part brings. But at this point who knows, you know. And she loves it enough, Cameron, if you do try and give it a shot. I don’t know, we have no idea who they’re going to get. You know, we liked Ellen Muth at one point and I still like Ellen for it, but paramount might be looking for a bigger name, we don’t know. As soon as we find out you guys will probably find out at the same time. It’s, it films are interesting. I mean I have a, uh, they’re shooting right now Random Acts of Violence, which is a book I wrote. That’s Jay Baruchel is doing that and it’s like, it’s a little different than my book, but it’s still sort of like my book. So, at the end of the day, if people were interested, they can go find the book. That’s why you can’t worry about stuff. If you worry about things out of your control, you become a maniac. That’s what the internet is. It’s people worrying about things that it’s out of their control and not being able to deal with it. Like they start losing their mind or I hate this guy. It’s out of their control. They’re not doing the casting so they get pissed off and they spend days yelling at people and it really doesn’t do it. It’s like that crazy guy next door who yells when you throw a ball in his yard at the end of the day.


He’s like get off my lawn.

Jimmy Palmiotti:

He’s just sad in some way, you know. We feel bad for him.


It’s like aww poor old man.

Jimmy Palmiotti:

Poor old man, hopefully, next time the ball hits him in the gut.


And that’s a healthy process. Kind of like separate yourself from it everything like that and allow someone else to play with that character and like see what they can do with it.


