[WARNING: Article contains spoilers for both Star Wars Resistance episodes 7 and 8. Read on at your own risk.] When I first learned of Star Wars Resistance, I was excited and hopeful. The show was touted as giving us our first, real glimpse at the Star Wars galaxy following the Empire’s downfall and before the events of The Force Awakens. We were teased with new characters, new locations, ships and creatures. It would be a time of espionage and intrigue. The show has run for eight episodes now, and I must admit: my interest is starting to wane.

Image: Disney
I remember when Star Wars Rebels first started. Many critics then said some of the same things I’m saying about Resistance now. The story was slow to develop, there’s not a lot of character development, etc. However, by its eighth episode, Rebels had introduced us to the Grand Inquisitor, shown us lightsaber battles, and gotten into the heart of the story. By Resistance episodes 7 and 8, on the other hand? Not so much.
Star Wars Resistance Episode 7: ‘Synara’s Score’

Image: Disney
Resistance episode 7 opens with Captain Doza desperate to get the station’s targeting computers back online before another pirate attack. Otherwise, if the Aces are off-platform, the station will be defenseless. Kaz and Tam venture forth seeking an integral part for the targeting computer. Synara, of all people Kaz could go to, ends up delivering. Of course she’s a pirate, and realizes why they need the part in the first place. For an unexplained reason, the Aces do in fact leave, and Synara calls in a pirate strike on the platform.

Image: Disney
After a battle with the pirates, Kaz and Yeager get the targeting computer online. Notwithstanding, the pirates wreaked their havoc before our heroes were able to do so. Meanwhile, Tam rushes to Synara’s aid, because “that’s what friends do”. For a fleeting moment Synara seems to question her role in the attack… and that’s it.
So, Where is Star Wars Resistance Going, Exactly?
Yes, we know the First Order is behind the pirate attacks. Yes, we know Captain Doza is painfully clueless to that fact. So what exactly is Resistance meant to show us? Resistance episodes 7 and 8 do little to move the plot along, or to further develop any of its main characters. In fact, Kaz is growing increasingly annoying. He’s not just whiny, he’s screechy. If Resistance means for us to watch Kaz mature as its main character, it needs to pick up the pace. Episode 8 didn’t much help the cause, either.