With filming of Joker well underway, we have been treated with plenty of leaked photos and videos from the set of the movie and they have provided us with a taste of the kind of movie we can be expect come October 2019.

Director of the film: Todd Phillips has taken to Instagram to share a behind the scenes image of Joaquin Phoenix in costume as The Joker chilling out on a cigarette break.


While this photo does not give us anything new to go off of when it comes to uncovering details on the movie. However it is nice to receive an official image from somebody actually working on the movie instead of leaked photos. Also it’s clear to see that Joaquin Phoenix is very comfortable in his role and is enjoying his “On set. Five minute break”.

Details are still pretty thin on the ground at the moment when it comes to this movie but we are only to get more and more information as we move closer to the movies eventual release.

Joker releases on October 4th 2019.