Can JJ Abrams fix Star Wars? After Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi, the film that has divided Star Wars fans throughout the galaxy and the box office disappoint Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lucasfilm is hoping so.

How this all started

When Disney purchased the rights to the Star Wars franchise, fans were ready to get flooded with new and exciting movies. Well, we did get a lot of new and exciting content but not all without controversy. Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi is one of the most talked about films in the Star Wars franchise. While sticking with the Skywalker storyline, Johnson’s approach to it was not a popular choice among many fans. Unfortunately, it seems that Solo got caught up in the backlash and kept fans from wanting to see it. So, between fans skipping out on Solo and what seemed to be poor marketing made it a box office failure.

JJ Abrams to the rescue

JJ Abrams

Reportedly Abrams is hoping to change all this. According to a report form Variety, Abrams who is receiving massive deals and is in high demand, is tasked with putting Star Wars back on track. The report reads:

“He’s (Abrams) currently working on Star Wars: Episode IX, which has been billed as a course correction at Lucasfilm after spinoff films like Solo failed to meet the label’s high commercial expectations.”

There have been very little details on how Abrams is going to achieve this. But, it will be interesting to see if he succeeds.

What is next for Star Wars?

JJ Abrams

It will be interesting to see how JJ Abrams tries to get Episode IX back on track. What will need to be done to get the fans back on board? There are a lot of rumors out there like bringing back old characters such as Darth Vader or Sidious. Will that be enough or will he add characters we haven’t seen on the big screen like Thrawn or Ahsoka? Another avenue is that Abrams will find a way to tie all the movie storylines together to wrap up the Skywalker saga.

Do you think JJ Abrams can fix Star Wars and if so what needs to happen to achieve this? We want to hear your thoughts here at You can do this by hitting me up on Twitter @starwarsnerd574 and using the hashtags #thathashtagshow and #jjabramstotherescue.