Fans of The Old Republic, rejoice! If rumors are correct, the next Star Wars trilogy will indeed be set in the time long before the name Skywalker ever came to be. According to Star Wars News Net, the new production, with Game of Thrones show-runners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, will indeed predate any Star Wars film to date. And it’s starting production sooner than you might think.

According to an inside source who has worked on every Star Wars film of the Disney era to date, the Benioff and Weiss trilogy will begin production this fall. And yes, it will likely focus on The Old Republic. This follows previous stories about Disney’s plans for the future of the Star Wars franchise. Those reports include reference to Darth Bane, the Old Republic, and other spin-off productions, such as a young Princess Leia series.
The Old Republic Coming to the Silver Screen

The source had this to say when describing the new trilogy, claiming that he/she was:
…approached about working on the next movie this Autumn. It is not the Rian Johnson trilogy. It is the Game of Thrones guys’ first movie, and it is set in The Old Republic as Disney wants to open up the Star Wars timeline and appeal to a more Game of Thrones style audience.”
The source would go on to say that “the timeline is hundreds of years prior to the Skywalkers.” They also claim that, in addition to filming beginning in the fall, art design is in process and the script is being finalized. This information, they say, is “95% accurate.”

Sure, this is rumor… for now. Given the fact that other sources have been mentioning The Old Republic as well, however, I’m hopeful. Between this, a new Obi-Wan series, The Mandalorian, and Star Wars: Episode IX, things are really shaping up for Lucasfilm.
Source: Star Wars News Net