Ian McKellen has been taken to a hospital after falling off the stage during a performance of Player Kings in London. His representation is saying that he “is doing OK.” The BBC is reporting that McKellen, who portrays Jhon Falstaff, lost his footing during a battle scene and fell off the front of the stage. The house lights came on as he cried out in pain and staff rushed to help him.

Here’s a statement from McKellen’s representation:

“Thank you to our audience and the general public for their well wishes following Ian’s fall during this evening’s performance of Player Kings. Following a scan, the brilliant NHS team have assured us that he will make a speedy and full recovery and Ian is in good spirits. Thank you to doctors Rachel and Lee who were on hand in the audience and to all the venue staff for their support,”

The show was canceled and the audience was sent home. The show, Player Kings began its 12-week West End run in April. The BBC spoke to an audience member who described the incident as “very shocking.”

McKellen is no stranger to the stage or the screen, he’s received a Tony Award, six Olivier Awards, a Golden Globe Award, two Oscar nominations, and five BAFTA Awards. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1991. He’s most famous, depending on your fandom for either playing Magneto in the early-2000s X-Men films or as Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings films.

We’ll keep you updated as we get more information about the incident.

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