Earlier this month we dropped the news that the original Red Ranger, Austin St. John, who played Jason would be returning to the Power Rangers Beast Morphers next season for a special team up episode. We then followed that up with more information on the team-up. Mainly, members of the Dino Charge team would be joining the episode.
No Dino Thunder Rangers In Person
We speculate that this would be an adaption of the Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters: The Great Dinosaur Battle! Farewell, Our Eternal Friends. It seems that there may be a wrench in the plans., however. Our sources close to production have confirmed with us that none of the Dino Thunder Rangers will be returning in person. James Napier, Emma Lahana, Jeffrey Parazzo, Kevin Duhaney, and Jason David Frank made up the Disney-era team on one of the best season of Power Rangers. We were told that there were early plans to have JDF return as Dino Thunder Black, and that the Blue Dino Thunder Ranger, Ethan, played by Duhaney, would bea part of the show.

Does This Mean They Won’t Appear In The Episode At All?
The episode is currently done shooting , and many of the American Rangers are already back in the States. This doesn’t mean the Dino Thunder Rangers will not be included in the episode, however. Just like in other team-ups prior, like Super Megaforce’s ‘Legendary Battle’, the Dino Thunder Rangers may never demorph. It is still a possibility they could lend their voices to their characters, like ‘Clash of the Red Rangers’, in which Eka Darville reprised his role of Scott, RPM Series Red. This would be more cost productive to Hasbro and there’s still time to get these deals in place.
This Team-Up Will Still Be Epic
So far, Power Rangers Beast Morphers has started off as one of the best seasons to date. Still, even without the Dino Thunder Rangers returning in person this team-up could still be one of the most epic team-ups yet if Beast Morphers can maintain their so far excellent storytelling and character development. What do you think about the Dino Thunder Rangers not returning to Beast Morphers in person? Leave a message in the comments below.
So jdf wont return as dino thunder black but could he return as mmpr green
Mmpr green ranger and Dino thunder black ranger not return 2020
i did want to see Jason David frank Dino thunder black ranger in next season of power rangers beast morphers
it’s fine as it is so far and somewhere in the line that the blue ranger appeared in person in the Go-Busters vs Kyoryuger movie in person in front of Torin/Zenowing KyoryuSilver/Dino ChargeSilver and Yayoi/Kendall KyoryuViolet/DinoChargePurple when it was getting close to the end I believe having Kevin Duhaney in that scene just like Yukito AbareBlue would be great in that scene if that were to happen or not would be up to the producer
I think dino thunder rangers should join in the fight they were really good.
It might be a case of scheduling conflicts, or potential contractual issues that might prevent them from appearing on camera. After all, Emma Lahana is currently involved with Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger.
No way in the slightest the team up will be epic… The episode is goung to be the 10th likely airing after nate and steel are introduced to their megazord in the 9th… The teamup is going follow the same schedule as super ninja steel did
I bet the Ninja Storm Rangers wont be able to return either because of Pua Magasiva’s death last Saturday. Hopefully at the end of the episode they will pay an emotional tribute to him.
This is a team up among Beast Morphers, Dino Charge, Dino Thunder and MMPR.
Ninja Storm is not involved in any way.
But yeah. The character Shane can only be voiced over and morphed only in future Power Rangers special team ups if any.
They couldn’t even just get James Napier to return as Dino Thunder Red? Is it because of Saban’s hatred over and disrespect to the Disney Era seasons? Hasbro should at least be able to afford James Napier to come back. Also, isn’t it weird that he has the same name as Jack Nickelson’s Joker?
I’ve heard rumors that James Napier doesn’t want anything to do with PR anymore. Which is a shame.
Christopher lee johnson: The teamup episode isn’t scheduled to air until 2020.
I should be the played as the blue dino thunder rangers
I think I should voice the as blue dino thunder rangers. As terry Watkins
No green ranger or no black ranger not return 2020
Mmpr green ranger and Dino thunder black ranger not return 2020
Its not airing until next year