Just when you thought you knew everything about G.I. JOE, the Energon Universe comes along and gives us the Transformers and G.I. JOE crossover never knew we needed. Thanks to my friend at Skybound I was able to get an early look at the first ongoing G.I. JOE book in the Energon Universe; G.I JOE #1. This new story arc will hit local comic shops on November 13th. You can check out my thoughts on this first issue below.
G.I. Joe #1
Conrad Hauser, Codename DUKE, has assembled a special force known as G.I. JOE to battle the rising power of the mysterious COBRA in the aftermath of the Autobots and Decepticons’ arrival on Earth.
But the enigmatic Cobra Commander has unleashed the power of Energon like never before!
Featuring the First Appearance of an ALL NEW character and many familiar faces, this is the comic that will change everything you think you know about G.I. JOE…and that’s only half the surprises in store.
![G.I. JOE #1 Exceeds Expectations In The Newest Arc In The Energon Universe [Non-Spoiler Review]](https://thathashtagshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/GI-Joe-Cover.png)
G.I. Joe #1 Review
OK, if you have ever read any of my reviews you know I like to keep it short and spoiler-free. G.I. Joe number is the newest arc in the Energon Universe. For those that may not know the Energon Universe series consists of G.I. JOE, TRANSFORMERS, and Void Rivals. If you have not been following these series you are going to want to, as we see the Transformers and G.I. JOE brought together in a way that just plain kicks ass.
Now that I got you a little excited with that let’s talk a little bit about G.I. JOE #1. First off, WOW!!!. The creative team of Joshua Williamson (Duke, Cobra Commander), artist Tom Reilly (Duke), and colorist Jordie Bellaire (Duke, W0rldtr33) wasted no time in getting the action going. From the first page to the last, this comic did not slow down. The best part is even during the non-action panels you still were on the edge of your seat as you saw this new vision of G.I. Joe vs Cobra brought grow.
Another thing I love about this issue is that we see a lot of familiar faces from the G.I. JOE world as we are introduced to the Joes and Cobra. But as a bonus, we are also introduced to a new character that makes this story even better.
![G.I. JOE #1 Exceeds Expectations In The Newest Arc In The Energon Universe [Non-Spoiler Review]](https://thathashtagshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/GI-JOE-_1-1-675x1024.jpg)
The Creative Team
The creative team knocked this issue out of the park! Writer Joshua Williamson did an amazing job telling this new G.I. JOE story. There was never a moment that I wandered off. From the character introduction, the intense action scenes, and the story-building scenes you just wanted more as you kept reading. Williamson was able to add this arc into the Energon Universe smoothly. Also what is great about this story is that you can read this and understand what is going on even if you have not read any of the other Energon Universe comics. But the story wasn’t the only thing that made this comic great, let’s talk about the art.
Artist Tom Reilly and colorist Jordie Bellaire waste no time bringing the story to life on every page. The colors do a great job of setting to mood for each panel and making the story easy to follow. What I also like about the art and text is that nothing is cluttered, and all flows together making it easy to look at and read.

My Final Thoughts
G.I. JOE #1 Exceeds Expectations! I did not want to stop reading this comic. The only thing that I was disappointed in was when I reached the last page I knew I had to wait to read the next issue. The action in this issue was amazing and the story just grabbed ahold of you and kept you wanting more. On top of that, the art was amazing and brought everything to life. I loved seeing this new version of G.I. Joe brought to life on the pages of this comic. What is also amazing is how this ties into the Energon Universe. I mean how freaking cool is it to see the Transformers and G.I. Joe stories coming together in these series.
So if you are a fan of G.I. JOE and love a good action comic, then G.I. JOE #1 is a must-read for you. I give this issue at perfect 100%. This is the most excited I have been in a long time to continue a new series.

Are you ready for G.I. JOE #1? What are your thoughts on the Energon Universe series so far? Also, what other comic book releases are you looking forward to? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you.
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